Europe 2005 |

Atlantic Spain & Portugal |
La Coruna, Spain |
4th - 14th August 2005 |
Ares, Corme & Camarinas |
15th - 20th August 2005 |
Portosin & Bayona |
22nd - 23rd August 2005 |
Cascais, Portugal |
26th August - 11th September 2005 |
Lagos |
12th September - 3rd October 2005 |
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4th - 15th August 2005: La Coruna, Spain
been here in this lovely Spanish city for over a week now. The marina is
really close to the nicest part which is the old town. A short walk takes us
to our favourite place, an ancient church with a tree-lined square; here we
sit some evenings with a beer and cool down. The weather has mostly been
clear and hot. This gets a bit much in the afternoons but other-wise is
great. After being here a few days Julie (Nat's friend from Madrid) came to
stay and we went to the historic town of Santigo de Compostela.
It was busy there but a fascinating place. Another day we all went out for a
sail around the bay.
recently we have been working on the boat and getting some laundry done in
the preparation for our departure and trip down the coast of Spain and
Portugal. We intend to leave Sunday morning and do short day hops rather
than long passages. Our departure is well planned as today we were informed
that the marina fees will increase by 30% from tonight. This will take them
up to close that charged on the South Coast, UK. Hopefully we can anchor
more from now on. Better go now as we have a fellow British cruising couple
coming around for dinner in an hour or so. Will report progress once we
start moving. |
15th - 18th August
2005: Ares to Corme, Spain
two wonderful nights at anchor on a wide sweeping beach (why did we stay in
La C marina so long?), we travelled to Corme today in convoy with Kieron and
Ellie on Dart Warrior. For the first time we used our cruising chute (a big
lightweight downwind sail) successfully. We are learning skills every day at
the moment.
arrival at Corme we anchored next to Sam on Ramprasad - a person I had met
years ago in Shoreham when building his boat and then admired later after
several voyages. We invited everyone over for dinner and Nat did the black
bean chilli affair with rice, chips and avo salad. Pretty good I can tell
you. Off to Camarinas tomorrow. A shorter hop so Nat and Ellie are keen to
get a walk in along the wild coastline on arrival. Happily tired. |
18th - 23rd August
2005: Corme, Camarinas, Portosin & Bayona,
Woke to find
thick blanket of fog over this small port, Corme. Around 1300 it lifted and
we left for Camarinas. Conditions were calm and we motored all the way to
arrive around 1730. Shortly afterwards visibility deteriorated and a fine
misty rain began. We anchored at the side of a group of ten other boats but
soon noticed the wind was changing direction from NW to NE and getting
stronger so making our position exposed. And so, just as dinner was ready,
we lifted the anchor again (thank goodness for the windlass) and shifted to
a lovely snug position on the protected side of the anchorage. Food now
almost in our mouths we noticed that as the tide was falling a large bank of
rocks were being exposed not a million miles away to port (to the left of
the boat). Some heated discussion followed and before long food was again
put on hold and windlass began whirring. By now we had become quite a source
of entertainment for the other boats in the anchorage. This was not the
first time we had repositioned our anchor repeatedly (we average around two
per location) and we decided there and then to have a sign printed declaring
'Anchor Test Crew - please keep clear' for use in such situations.
The next day
we stayed in Camarinas as it was very windy. We set up the wind generator
which worked well. Later, while trying to gather courage to dinghy ashore,
Sam from Ramprasad saved us the trouble by offering to act as taxi. We
walked along the coastline and then had a drink with Sam and dinner with
Keiran and Ele on Dart Warrior. The next day the wind had eased a bit but we
decided to remain in Camarinas. We moved to the marina and had a walk to the
lighthouse on Cap Vilano. We returned to the boat hot and tired and not keen
to do the preparation required for the next day's sail. We managed it
eventually and later went for a stroll to relax.
following day we set off for Portosin. Although little wind initially,
conditions improved and we sailed downwind to the entrance of Ria de Muros
then beat into a freshening breeze all the way up the Ria to Portosin. The
marina was small and we had some difficulty berthing in the strong
crosswind. We wandered into the town after eating dinner to find throngs of
locals enjoying a festival.
We then had
a perfect downwind sail in good conditions to the well known town of Bayona.
We stayed in the rolling anchorage initially then moved to the marina the
following morning. |

- 26th August
2005: Bayona, Spain to Cascais, Portugal
We left
Bayona and our friends on Dart Warrior on the 24th August and it
took two days to get here to Cascais, a smart town on the outskirts of
Lisbon. Not much to say about the trip really because we didn’t see much –
just a lot of fog. It lifted once for us just as we were approaching the
Islas de Berengas off Peniche. The sun shone and we were keen to drop the
anchor there for a night’s kip but, with eyes nearly shut, the fog came down
again within a mile of the islands. We could not risk an entry in the fog.
Although the pictures below are not of this leg of the trip, it gives you a
feeling of what it's like to be at sea in fog. It's very eerie. We unhappily
continued on into the night, the only relief being the company of some very,
very cool luminous dolphins, jetting around Free Spirit like little spirits
themselves. Beautiful.
arrived in Cascais (pronounced 'kuhsh-kaish') just before dawn on the 26th
August, after an interesting couple of hours dodging lobster pots in the
dark. We anchored just outside the marina and immediately crept into bed,
the two days and nights of fog finally behind us. |
27th August - 10th
2005: Cascais, Portugal
As Mark
has had to go home for a week I am now on my own. Today I
found Portugal's answer to Habitat and I'm a very happy gal, although
- luckily for our bank balance - with no house to furnish. There are only so
many rugs and cushions you can have on a boat but believe me, I’m doing
fairly well – my mother would be proud. Seeing as it’s all work while the
Captain’s around I’ve spent my days sleeping, relaxing and visiting Lisbon.
and Anne-Marie from the Danish ´Restless II´ invited me around for a drink.
They have been lovely to me while Mark has been away, always keeping an eye
out for me, and kindly helping me to secure the boat one windy evening.
The Dart Warriors Kieran and Ele have also arrived, so we went for a wander
around last night and also visited the 'Boca do Inferno' (Mouth of Hell),
which is where the sea seeps into an abyss.
Mark’s return we met David and Alison, Free Spirit's previous owners. They
showed us around Lisbon
and introduced us to Portuguese food and song (‘Fado’). They also came
to see us on the boat and gave us tips on many things including poling the
yankee for downwind sailing. Finally we befriended Jade, an Australian
living in London. |
- 12th September 2005: Cascais to Lagos, Portugal
Sunday 11th September we left for Lagos
(130M) in company with Dart Warrior and Restless. Sailing in company had
become familiar to us by now and we had learned a lot on previous passages
with Dart Warrior. The first time we had sailed together was from La Coruna
to Corme and as DW effortlessly pulled ahead our smiles became an effort to
maintain. By the time DW was a spot on the horizon we were forced to
consider "the cruising chute", a sail we had failed with several times
before and basically didn't ever want to see again. Suddenly driven by a
lust for speed we were transformed into a slick(ish) racing crew. The sail
worked beautifully increasing our speed from 4.5 to 6 knots and we have used
it many times since. We call it Big Bertha or The Secret Weapon (on the
subject of names many pieces of equipment have been christened over the last
months and we will try to introduce you in future logs).
as we left Cascais, Bertha was pressed into service within minutes and soon
we were making good speed. The wind and swell increased through the day
until by early evening we had to reduce sail considerably. The boat's motion
as it accelerated in front of waves then decelerated as they passed all the
time rolling from side to side made doing anything very tiring - something
like climbing over a children's playground situated in the back of a transit
being driven around town at speed. However when we saw Restless running well
under twin foresails we decided that the middle of the night with these sea
conditions was a convenient moment to pole out our Yankee for the first
time. Surprisingly it went very well, due in no small part to our downwind
sailing "master class" from David and Alison, and the boat felt set up for
the night ahead.
Coastal night sailing like this tends to be an exercise in collision
avoidance. Shortly after dark the boats along the coast start their engines
cast off from shore and start heading towards you. The large ones are the
most frightening, like on this particular night when a ship around the size
of the Isle of Wight appeared behind us from among the lights on the coast
and travelling at 24knots (info courtesy of Kieran's AIS system). "TWENTY
FOUR KNOTS!" I exclaimed when he told me. But at least these large boats
tend to follow a constant course, the tricky ones are the fishing boats (Do
they have to fish only at night?) which travel on long arcs so that whenever
you take your eyes off them they turn and try to run you down.
Surprisingly at dawn as we rounded Cabo San Vincent all three boats in our
convoy were still within view of each other and after a brief lull the wind
increased to allow an invigorating dawn beat to Lagos.
12th - 14th September
2005: Lagos, Portugal
on Monday and caught up on our sleep. Since then we've just been chilling
out, doing the odd job here and there on the boat, and passing the
evenings with Restless and Dart Warrior.
15th September
2005: Lagos, Portugal
We were
supposed to be arriving in Chipiona, nr Cadiz, today but the other night we
got the weather forecast and it didn't look too inviting - easterly force 8
in the Gibraltar Straits with rough seas. Checked the forecast again in the
morning only to find it had got worse - force 7-9. The weather has clearly
changed here. Although it's still warm, it has been thundery all day and we
had a brief downpour of large hailstones.
We are
enjoying visiting the local beach for a drink and walk most early evenings.
Today it felt less like the sunny Algarve and more like our walks along the
north Norfolk coast. Mark had some success on the SSB tonight and, after
trying for some weeks now, it was really good to finally hear and speak to
Nick and Ellen on Kika who are in Bayona at the moment. We celebrated
that and the eve of my birthday with ballons and homemade banana and walnut
cake and not-homemade chocolate cake with Keiran and Ele. Yummy. |
16th - 18th September
2005: Sotogrande, Spain
spent Nat’s birthday weekend with her parents who were staying with friends
in Sotogrande (near
). Hiring and driving a left hand drive car provided some amusement; each
junction found me fumbling at the door handle searching for the gear stick
while Nat yelled “drive on the right”. The roads are great here – empty,
smooth two laners which sweep and dip between the hills. A large bull statue
- a cultural icon of Andalucia – provided an irresistible climbing frame en
Arriving at Sotogrande as the afternoon cooled into evening it was great to
sit together, have a beer and catch up while Nat opened her presents. We all
stayed at Jim and Jean’s attractive villa and are grateful to them for
putting us up and especially for all the lovely homemade food, birthday
cake, and constant use of their washing machine. Although at the villa it
felt quiet and uncrowded the places we visited along the coast felt the
opposite. We had fun with Rodger and Margaret visiting Estepona and
Memorable highlights included reversing up the Rock while trying to get down
it, seeing hazy Africa
in the distance, lazy coffees and cakes in numerous cafes, and having a
strange feeling we were back in
Stamford while shopping at Morrisons. Stocked up with goodies and clean
clothes, we said our tearful goodbyes once more and headed home to Portugal. |
19th - 23rd September
2005: Lagos, Portugal
We like
it here! So do many other British yachts. It is a popular place to winter.
Although busy and geared for tourists it feels unfinished, not fully
discovered. Our last few days have felt like “a holiday”. We walked the
beaches – Nat collecting shells. We took siestas and sat reading books.
Today we started some urgent varnishing on the floors in the galley – get
some varnish on it now before it starts to break up – the boat is a real tip
with tools, sandpaper and no floor but we still feel chilled. Maybe we’re
getting the hang of this.
time has come to move on from here and if crossing the Bay of Biscay was the
first big step of our trip then I think this must be the second. Leaving
from Lagos here in the SW tip of mainland Europe
we will travel south 600miles along the coast of North
to the Canary
Islands. We plan to make landfall on the tiny, undeveloped island of
Graciosa. Weather permitting we plan to depart early next week.
26th September
2005: Lagos, Portugal
Rienhard* (a German) said “sailing is the sport of repairing your boat in
the best places of the world.” And have we been repairing! Nothing major
really, more like improvements. Over the last couple of days we have
finished varnishing the galley floor, re-varnished and sealed the bathroom,
tidied out the cockpit lockers, re-stitched a minor tear in the mainsail,
re-stitched the sprayhood, fitted our second horseshoe lifebuoy and replaced
the flag on our danboy. Flushed with success, we are now looking forward to
setting off for the Canaries and to hopefully seeing some of the best places
of the world.
and Ene are on the ARC too so we look forward to seeing them again, while
probably doing some repairs to our boat, in Las Palmas. |
27th September
2005: Lagos, Portugal
we celebrated being married for three years. Our anniversary isn’t actually
until tomorrow but, with the arrival of friends then, we decided to go out
and have a meal together today instead. What the Lonely Planet says about
being veggie in Portugal is this: ‘are you ever a long way from home’ and
they’re about right, except, we’re not really in
here as there are so many Brits around. Being the intrepid adventurers we
are, we settled on the culinary delights of the Fools and Horses pub. 1
vegetable lasagna with chips, 1 pepper steak with chips, 2 glasses of luke
warm red wine, 1 flying cockcroach and the footie on in the background.
they say romance is dead. |
28th September - 3rd
2005: Lagos, Portugal
and I hired a car for a morning and drove into rural Portugal (i.e. more
than 3 miles from the south coast) to buy some solar panels. The place was
great (see
www.ffsolar.com). Before long I had a 90W panel rigged on the
arch over the cockpit and wired up. We now have a silent and effortless 3
amp charge over most of the daylight hours. I am most grateful to Ian from
the nearby Vancouver 36 for the advice and encouragement on solar panels,
water-makers and much else.
discussing and comparing the SSB radio installations with Nick I decided to
rewire my set (specifically the “ground”). Although it was hard work the
reward came when we talked for the first time over the air the night Kika
left Lagos. We really enjoyed catching up with Nick and Ellen and hope to
meet them many more times during the trip.
woke one morning as a seamstress and now we have a colourful fabric from
India covering our saloon cushions. The boat looks really cheery and set up
for tropical island landfalls.
Recently I’ve been studying astronavigation and some time between
mid-morning and noon
will find me sitting on the beach using the sextant to measure the height of
the sun in the sky. See “How to..” site for details on this. Finally, I
cleaned the living daylights out of our water-maker and it seems to be
working okay. This is good news as we had given up on it and were about to
order a new membrane at £400. The
boat is now in a better state than ever before and we feel ready to set out
on the next stage of our trip. |

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