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Bermuda 2007 |

North from St Maarten to Bermuda |
Depart St Maarten, West Indies |
10th May 2007 |
Arrive Bermuda |
20th May 2007 |
Passage duration |
11 days |
Distance sailed |
870 nautical miles |
Click here to view Google map
Click here to view North Atlantic passage chart
DAY 1: 10th May 2007
1130 local time (1630
UK time), 10th May 2007, 18deg 02N, 063deg 06W (Simpson Bay) 870M to
This morning we moved
out of the lagoon and into the cleaner Simpson Bay in order to dive and
check the outside of the boat's hull. All looks well and after fortification
with Baked Beans on toast we plan to leave St Maarten bound for Bermuda
within the hour. We will try to send regular log entries throughout the
passage. These will be sent to John and posted onto the website. If we lose
communication for a while please don't worry. We hope to arrive into Bermuda
in about 8 days where we look forward to welcoming Rodger aboard and
continuing on to England. |
DAY 2: 11th
May 2007
0800 local ( 1300 UK time) Friday 11th May, 19deg 39N,
063deg 18W, 103M sailed - 767M to go. Current wind SE 12-15
After a overcast and wet morning the sun came out for
our departure and trip around the island of St Maarten yesterday. We sailed
north past Anguilla and as this last Caribbean Island dipped down below the
horizon and night approached we felt a moments trepidation at the long trip
ahead. Before long we settled into things and the movement of the boat once
more became familiar. We had ESE 12-15 knots through the night and although
the odd lumpy cross sea threw us about we made good progress. The wind has
veered around more behind the boat this morning which has slowed us a little
- we may need Big Bertha later! Looking at the weather forecast we won't be
breaking any speed records on this passage, but we're happy to be out here
making progress. |
DAY 3: 12th
May 2007
1200 AST 12th May, 21deg 36N, 063deg 44W, 2 days out,
distance made good 223M, 647M to go. Wind SE 8-12
The weather here is calm and hot with only a slight
sea. Yesterday the sky was clear and we baked hiding under the bimini and
spraying ourselves with water. Today a thin, high, milky cloud fills the sky
which makes things cooler, but suggests a change in the weather. The wind
continues light with often only just enough to fill the sails and stop them
crashing about. We are following a zig-zag course running downwind when we
get 12 knots and reaching across when it drops to 8-9 knots. This way we can
keep the boat moving. With these conditions our progress is slower than
usual - the boat is often only moving through the water at 3 knots. Usually
tearing my hair out and reaching for the engine start button on this trip I
am happy with our progress. Maybeee I've become the calm, mature sage-like
individual that have always aspired to. Alternatively I am watching that
cold front as it moves south towards us containing bigger seas and
boisterious head winds and hoping that if we go slow it will have more time
to moderate and move off east before we meet it.
Our days have settled into the following routine:
2000-2300 I'm on watch, 2300-0200 Nat on watch, 0200-0500 me again. When on
watch we use our watch commander timer which gives an alarm every 15 mins to
remind us to look around for other vessels. Between these scans we cat-nap,
read by torch light or listen to Podcasts - last night I listened to a Royal
Society lecture on evolution recorded free when in St. Maarten, Nat likes a
talk by Jodrell Bank Observatory on the night sky. The moonrise is about
0300 and until then is pretty dark. When there are clouds about you can
barely see the bow of the boat - after reading by torchlight for 15 mins you
can't see diddly squat! But when the clouds clear an amazing number of stars
present themselves - between the bright ones a dusting of many hundreds
more. A planet, probably Venus, to our west is so bright as to give a beam
of light on the sea. Dawn is around 0500. From 0500-0800 Nat's on watch and
this morning I woke at 0800 to the smell of baking bread which Nat had made.
We have breakfast together 8-9 while I download the weather fax from New
Orleans. We often see elegant white sea-birds with long thin tails and dark
eye patches circling the boat. They look keen to stop for a rest and shape
up to land with feet outstretched, but then fear catches them and they sweep
up again to continue on their way. We imagined these beautiful brave birds
to be very exotic but disappointingly we think they are called Common Terns.
From 0900-1200 I'm is on watch, 1200-1300 lunch, 1300-1600 Nat, 1600-1800
me, 1800-2000 Nat. Our AIS works well so far and alerts us each time a large
ship comes within range. This is a great help. The sun is out again and Nat
is making Squash and Sweet Potato Soup for lunch so I will end the log here. |
DAY 4: 13th
May 2007
Position @ 0600AST 13th May: N22deg48 W063deg36, days at sea 3, distance
made good 295nm, distance still to go 575nm, current weather: no wind lots
of rain
Yesterday afternoon ran to schedule. Mark listened into Herb at 1600AST and
we heard a couple of boats in our vicinity speaking to him. The closest was
S/V Foxtrot about 60 miles to the east of us. Mark has been receiving and
analysing the synoptic charts from NOAA New Orleans and Boston and using
them to track depressions forming to the west of us. One low and possibly a
second are currently forecast to sweep between us and Bermuda by Monday
evening. Herb's advice to Foxtrot was to 'slow down' and 'to not go north of
26N by Mon eve', ensuring they remain to the south of the low. As you read
in the last log this has been Mark's strategy too so we continued to keep
the boat moving along slowly despite the wind increasing slightly throughout
the course of yesterday afternoon and into the evening. It is quite unusual
to find ourselves reducing speed at a time when we would normally be
cracking on full steam ahead. We appear to be adapting quite well to our
newly found skill of going slow, so much so we are currently now adrift. The
wind died at around 0400AST and the rain started to pour down at 0500. The
sails subsequently flapped about making an horrendous noise so Mark took all
the sail in about an hour ago and since then we have just bobbed around,
Free Spirit's course now out of our hands, with Captain Neptune himself up
on deck having a shower while trying to fill our water tanks! He seems to
have become more like the endearing characters of his favourite sailing
yarns than ever before. Last night Mark demonstrated his bravery and
endurance as he stood my watch for me. Just as I was coming off watch at
2000AST I had the fright of my life as the cockpit and the sky lit up just
as I was coming down below. I have never made it down the companionway steps
and into Mark's arms as quick as I did then! One of the many things I have
learnt while on our sailing adventures is that I am absolutely terrified of
lightning when out at sea. Our first experience of this was on leaving the
Cape Verdes, an island group off the coast of Africa. It was our first night
out of port bound for the West Indies and the lightning was phenomenal but
Mark consoled me that it was far away as no thunder was to be heard. Last
night however it was accompanied by a full roll of thunder letting me know
just how close it was. With the handheld GPS and VHF sealed away safely once
again in the pressure cooker, the curtains and my peepers were drawn tightly
shut in an attempt to block out reality. So, with a scaredy-cat's full
night's rest behind me, albeit fitful, it is my turn to give Mark a break.
The lightning has either thankfully stopped or the daylight has made me
oblivious to it, either way I feel happier. Amazingly under no sail Free
Spirit is making 2.5 knots in roughly the right direction, we must have the
tide running with us. The water has just started to gush out of our
freshwater hand pumps indicating the tanks are now full and Mark is back in
from his shower feeling refreshed. The rain has now stopped leaving behind
nothing but quietness. A cup of tea is brewing and an easy morning at sea
doing nothing more than reading or dozing lies ahead of us. Hopefully the
wind will pick up soon so we can hoist our sails and be on our way once
more. |
DAY 5: 14th
May 2007
0800 Mon 14th May 2007,
24deg 24N 063deg 45W, Sailed 392M, 478M to go, Wind W12, Rain.
Around 0900 yesterday,
just when we had settled into the idea of a few hours asleep adrift the wind
returned and quickly built to 25 knots kicking up a steep sea. After
crashing about for an hour we decided to heave-to for a while. The seas were
steep and breaking, the wind howled through the rigging at 25 knots and
clouds of dense rainfall swept past. At first we assumed it was a squall and
would pass through quickly, but by 1430 we decided it wasn't getting any
better and making short sail hurtled off to the north, breaking crests
chasing us. We found clearer less windy weather just before dark and today
the weather fax has inserted a new trough line just where we found one!
Since then the wind has been a good strength but constantly changing in
direction. From easterley it has gradually veered clockwise through south to
northerly and now back to west requiring plenty of sail changes and
adjustments throughout the moonless. It's pouring with rain again, but we
don't mind - Nat has baked some wholemeal bread, the seas are only slight
and we're making ok progress. There is another trough to cross sometime this
afternoon or tonight but we feel blooded and ready now. We hope to arrive
Bermuda Friday morning. |
DAY 7: 16th
May 2007
Current Position
27deg30N 064deg39W @ 0900AST on 16th May. Distance made good: 580nm,
Distance still to go: 290nm, Weather: ENE15, blue skies & moderate seas.
The Sargasso Sea has a
mean surface level approximately one metre higher than that of neighbouring
coasts so it would seem that we have been sailing uphill since leaving St
Maarten. It has certainly felt like that physically and mentally recently.
The last 48 hours aboard have been hard. There have been squalls and
thunderstorms surrounding us, endless sail changes, strong head winds and
large irregular seas. A never ending series of obstacles seem to appear in
our path. As we beat our way out of the strong winds and boisterous large
seas brought to us firstly by a large area of squall activity and secondly
by a cold front passing over us, a third unfavourable weather feature
presents itself. Possible gale force conditions are forecast for Bermuda at
the time of our arrival, which would make entry dangerous. We will take more
weather information day by day but it looks as thought we will need to stop
the boat some distance short of Bermuda and wait for good weather. Having
said this we are fit and well - slowing or stopping the boat will allow us
to rest before entering. The boat is behaving well and has no problems. Now
the cold front has passed we have clear skies once more, the seas are
lessening and a fresh cool breeze, which is a welcome reminder that we have
now left behind the stifling heat and humidity of the tropics. |
DAY 8: 17th
May 2007
We are now hove-to
(stationary) an a charming little patch of ocean at 29deg59N, 064deg37W! We
are within 26hrs sail of Bermuda and south of the strongest winds. Although
the decision to stop was difficult the idea of trying to run downwind in 30
knots into a small gap in the reefs to get into Bermuda seems unwise. The
weather is set to improve quite rapidly after its peak on Friday night so we
hope to arrive Sat pm or Sun am. We hope to catch up on sleep and eat some
good food. |
DAY 10: 19th
May 2007
This morning as the
front approached, the weather deteriorated and the wind began to ease we
started sailing toward Bermuda . All day the visibility was poor as the rain
came down in sheets. Unable to make the entrance before nightfall but aware
that the wind will come from the north in the morning we moved as far north
as we dared before heaving to AGAIN! Rather than sailors we may call
ourselves “heavers” from now on. From 100 miles out we have been listening
to the very professional Bermuda Coastguard on the radio and earlier we
contacted them giving our position and ETA. |
DAY 11: 20th
May 2007
We arrived this morning
at about 9am after motoring into that northerly wind for an hour or so (glad
we positioned ourselves well last night). Once inside the well protected St
Georges Harbour all was quiet. Again the coastguard were most helpful – the
best we have encountered so far. We checked in at immigration and then were
lucky to get on of the sought after marina places. Being a small boat helps.
Now some sleep before dinner with Nat’s friend Andrew and his girlfriend and
daughter Sylvia and Skye. |
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